Join the YBT online Health and longevity program
Join the YBT online Health and longevity program
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Experience a new paradigm in health, with the correct amount and types of Exercise, Diet/supplementation and lifestyle optimizations you can measurably turn back you biological clock and extend your health span!
Hello my name is Michael Brooks, I have over 35 years experience in the health & fitness field as a certified personal trainer and founder of the YoungerByTomorrow and YBTFit method
YBT is a program that will get you looking and feeling great and turn back your biological clock and most importantly extend your health span.
I've lived and trained clients in North ,Central and South America and remotely in Europe as well.
I love learning the newest cutting-edge information on health & wellness and have multiple certifications in the Wellness field.
I'm always working to further my knowledge on how to optimize health span for myself and my clients through precision diet, supplementation, exercise and lifestyle optimization.
YBT philosophy:
Most people tend to focus on only one or two of the YBT Pillars, MOVE, EAT, LIVE, but if you prescribe to a balanced approach of all 3 YBT Pillars in combination you will get a synergistic effect.
Synergy:"the interaction or cooperation of two or more, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects"
With the YBT app you have all your workouts on your mobile phone. You can workout when and where you like. We have workouts that can be done at home with minimal equipment or at the gym.
No more walking into the gym and wondering what to do? how much should I do, or just repeating the same old workouts.
We can help you find out what the best diet is for you,
Hint it needs to contain all your essential nutrients (must-have) protein, fats, vitamins and minerals and be sustainable, something you can stick to long term and enjoy.
We can also help you figure out what would be the best supplements for you, based upon your goals and your unique biology according to your labs and or DNA test.
This is probably the one most overlooked pillars of health by most people,
Have you tried meditating in the past but just felt like you were just sitting there wasting your time trying not to think? I sure did.... I can help you find a path of meditation that you will look forward to doing.
It's also important to focus on different types of recovery methods, breathing, Sauna, cold therapy , stretching etc.
Mindset is so important, what good is it if you have the perfect body but are still depressed and unhappy?
Stress is a silent killer and its nearly impossible to eat, sleep or workout optimally if your not able to manage your stress properly . we will work with you to develop a paradigm shift on stress and how you manage it .
As we age our hormones may get out of balance . We work with some of the best experts in the field of hormonal optimization to help you look and feel your. Best part is almost everything can be done privately and safely via tele-health.
Just send us a message here at and we will have one of our HRT clinics reach out to you and set up a free consultation.
A mix of fBody building and functional movement , Flexibility and prehab exercises to help prevent injury and injury repair.
Open the YBTFit app right from your phone available on IOS and most androids phones.
See an exercise movement you have never heard of, or maybe I called it something other then your used to, next to each exercise you can click and open a short tutorial video showing you haw to perform the meovement.
Meeting a personal trainer at the gym on a certain day of the week, can be inconvenient with the YBTFit app, you can workout when at any gym you like or at home.
Note: Some workout equipment is required for Home training
Having you own personal trainer helps you stay on track and holds you accountable. You can reach out to us via the YBTFit app and we will be happy to get back with you and answer any questions you may have.
You can pay for an in person trainer or at the other end of the spectrum you could get a free app . Problem is the training rate for a PT is out of reach for most and can be hard to make an appointment when you have a busy schedule. And almost no one sticks to training with most training apps for long ,because there is no accountability or support .
Train at the gym or at home .
Contact us for more info:
In addition we also offer:
Hormone testing & optimization
Telemedicine consult w/Doctors
Prescription medications.
Blood lab & DNA testing.
Remote Coaching calls
Contact us for free consult
4033 Montclair Road, Birmingham, AL 35213, US
Telephone: 205-353-2622 Email: